Ch Habanero Golden Girl


Hips 1:4 = 5
Elbows 0:0

Dam: Habanero Cruisin Emilie Rose (AI)

Sire: Triple Ch. Hanafor St Edgar

Marilyn was bred by us from 12 year old semen i had stored from “Edgar”, one of the first triple Vizsla Triple Champions bred by Fay Harris and owned and campaigned the late Anne Salisbury.
She was campaigned by Allison Cox ( Suzura) , where she quickly gained her Australian Champion Title.

Due to Alison‘s busy work schedule she has returned home to live with us.
She is a wonderful friendly easy-going girl. Absolutely
nothing worries her, and she is fearless but very friendly.
We love her to bits. Especially because she is out of our beloved Emily Rose.